August 7, 2024

Water column profiles were conducted at seven locations in the Providence and Seekonk River estuaries on August 7, 2024 using a Seabird Electronics profiler. In the five days leading up to the survey, 0.95 inches of precipitation were recorded at T.F. Green. Water column stratification at the sites varied from weakly stratified at Pawtuxet Cove and Edgewood Yacht Club, to strongly stratified at Conimicut Point. 

Dissolved oxygen (DO) conditions were below the hypoxia threshold (2.9 mg/L) in the lower portion of the water column at Edgewood Yacht Club, in the middle and lower portions of the water column at Pomham Rocks, and in all portions of the water column (upper, middle and lower) at India Point Park and Phillipsdale Landing. The highest fluorescence readings for the week were measured around 2 meters below the surface at Edgewood Yacht Club.

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