PowerPoint Presentations

PowerPoint Presentations

**Presentations listed chronologically, with most recent at the top. Presentations at recurring conferences listed at bottom.**

  • ​9/29/20 – National Coastal and Estuarine Virtual Summit

Senior Environmental Scientist Eliza Moore and Environmental Scientist Molly Welsh each presented talks at this virtual summit hosted by Restore America’s Estuaries. Ms. Moore’s talk focused on evaluating the success of Phase II of the NBC CSO Abatement Project, while Ms. Welsh presented on water quality changes following wastewater treatment facility nutrient reductions. 

  • ​​5/13/19 – Northe​ast Regional ​Ocean Council Habitat Classification and Coastal Management Video Workshop

Senior Environmental Scientist Eliza Moore served on a panel at this workshop, presenting details of the NBC’s benthic video monitoring program history, approach, and analysis methods.

  • ​11/14/18 – The​ Greene School Visits NBC​

Environmental Scientist Molly Welsh gave a presentation and facilitated a discussion with students from The Greene School, who toured the Field’s Point treatment facility.

  • 3/12/2018 – Developing habi​tat maps in New England with CMECS

Environmental Scientist Eliza Moore gave an invited talk about the benthic video monitoring program methods at this workshop hosted by the Northeast Regional Oceans Council Habitat Classification and Ocean Mapping subcommittee.

  • ​​12/6/2017 – 16th Annual Ronald C. ​Baird Sea Grant Science Symposium

Thomas Uva, NBC’s Director of Environmental Science & Compliance, participated in the 2017 Baird Symposium, which focused on “Changes in Narragansett Bay: A Conversation among Citizens and Scientists.” Mr. Uva spoke on a panel entitled “The Choices We Have Made.”

  • ​​11/15/2016 – Comm​ercial Fisheries Center

NBC staff presented to members of the Commercial Fisheries Center of Rhode Island to discuss NBC WWTF operations and monitoring programs.

  • 9/14/2016 – EPA Webinar Series: Utility of the Future

Thomas Uva, Director of Planning, Policy, and Regulation, took part in a EPA sponsored webinar series called “Enabling the Water Resources Utility of the Future” Webinar Series. The presentation was entitled “Climate Change – It’s Real! Deal with it Now!” and showcased NBC efforts to address climate change.

  • 8/5/2015 – NBC 2015 Workshop – Just Another Day on the Upper-Upper Bay:  Update on NBC’s Environmental Monitoring, Modeling, Construction Initiatives & Water Quality Results

The NBC sponsored a day-long workshop to provide an update on its latest environmental monitoring, modeling, construction initiatives, and water quality results, all centered around the health of upper Narragansett Bay.  Narragansett Bay’s stakeholders, scientists, and regulators attended this free workshop to discuss our future path toward achieving and surpassing water quality standards.  Thank you to all who attended and participated!

  • 4/22/2014 – University of Rhode Island Marine Policy Presentation

Thomas Uva, NBC’s Director of Planning, Policy and Regulation, presented information about the NBC’s Combined Sewer Overflow Abatement Program, focusing on the water quality improvement realized from the completion of Phase I.

  • 6/10/13 – NBC Meeting with the EPA

Various members of the EPA and RIDEM gathered to receive an update on the happenings at the NBC. Topics included progress on the NBC construction projects, receiving waters monitoring program, NBC/RIDEM sustainable solutions grant, as well as sustainability efforts NBC-wide and information on the “Utility of the Future.” 

  • ​11/14/2013 – 12th Annual Ronald C. Baird Sea Grant Science Symposium

Thomas Uva, NBC’s Director of Planning, Policy and Regulation, presented at the Baird Symposium, which is sponsored by Rhode Island Sea Grant.  Each year the topic of the conference changes and this year it was entitled “The Future of Shellfish in Rhode Island: Providing sustainable seafood, economic opportunities, and ecosystem benefits.”  Mr. Uva’s presentation is available below, as well as on the Rhode Island Sea Grant website at: https://seagrant.gso.uri.edu/special-programs/baird/

  • 6/16/2011 – NBC 2011 Symposium – A Day on the Upper Bay:  Current Monitoring, Research, Source Reduction Progress & Future Challenges

With over one hundred people in attendance, the Narragansett Bay Commission (NBC) sponsored a day-long workshop, A Day on the Upper Bay: Current Monitoring, Research, Source Reduction Progress & Future Challenges, which was an outstanding success.  The event took place on Thursday, June 16, 2011 at Johnson & Wales University: Culinary Archives & Museum.  Stakeholders, scientists and regulators from throughout Rhode Island and Massachusetts participated in the workshop to exchange the latest information and improvements in Upper Narragansett Bay and discuss the future path toward achieving and surpassing water quality standards.  The day began with opening remarks from the Regional Administer of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) New England office, Curt Spalding, followed by presentations from various academic institutions and agencies from throughout the Narragansett Bay Watershed.  To close the workshop, a panel of some of the foremost experts on Narragansett Bay discussed the mutual goal of improving water quality and restoring Narragansett Bay.  Listed below are links to the agenda of the symposium, as well as to the presentations that were given.  Thank you to all who attended and participated!  


  • ​​​New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA) 

The New England Water Environment Association (NEWEA) holds an annual conference to bring together top knowledge and technology related to the wastewater field.  The NBC has been honored to have been selected to present on our WWTF and monitoring program findings the past several years. 

2013 – Five Years of Nutrient Monitoring in Upper Narragansett Bay

2012 – Enteroccocus Sampling in Anticipation of New Permit Limits – Challenges and Outcomes

2011 – Extreme Weather Monitoring in Narragansett Bay

  • Blackstone River Users Conference 

Over recent years, the NBC has been invited to present at the Blackstone River Users Conference, a gathering of concerned groups which have a key interest in the Blackstone River. In these presentations, the NBC has given updates on monitoring programs specific to the Blackstone River and about NBC WWTFs projects in general.

  • ​​​Environmental Business Council of New England​

​6/5/19 – Senior Environmental Scientist Eliza Moore spoke at the Rhode Island chapter of the Environmental Business Council’s meeting, entitled “The State of Stormwater in Rhode Island – Water Quality, Stormwater Permits, and Sea Level Rise.” Her presentation is available below, as well as on the Environmental Business Council of New England’s website: http://ebcne.org/news/category/presentations/ 

​11/4/2015 – Pamela Reitsma and Christine Comeau, two of NBC’s Environmental Scientists, presented at the Rhode Island chapter of the Environmental Business Council’s meeting, entitled “The Critical Importance of Stormwater Management in Rhode Island.” The presentation is available below, as well as on the Environmental Business Council of New England’s website:  http://ebcne.org/news/category/presentations/

11/21/2014 – Thomas Uva, NBC’s Director of Planning, Policy and Regulation, presented at the Rhode Island chapter of the Environmental Business Council’s meeting, entitled “Update on Narragansett Bay Water Quality.” Mr. Uva’s presentation is available below, as well as on the Environmental Business Council of New England’s website:  http://ebcne.org/news/category/presentations/ 

  • ​New England Estuarine Research Society (NEERS) 

4/19/2024 – Environmental Scientist Abigail Ernest-Beck gave a 5-minute Lightning Talk about how river bacteria levels after different sized rain events have changed over time

10/20/2020 – Environmental Scientist Luis Cruz gave a 5-minute Lightning talk about the successes of NBC’s Phase II of CSO Abatement at this virtual fall meeting. 

4/27/2018 – Environmental Scientist Eliza Moore gave a 5-minute Ignite! presentation about the benthic video monitoring initiative at the meeting held in Portsmouth, NH. 

4/28/2018 – Environmental Scientist Christine Comeau presented results of trend analyses of NBC fixed site data from 2004 through 2017 at the meeting held in Portsmouth, NH.

10/21/2016 – NBC Environmental Scientists presented two talks at the NEERS fall meeting on Block Island to discuss the NBC nutrients and bay pathogen monitoring programs and results. 

10/13/2013 – NBC staff was asked to present at the first annual Ignite Session of the NEERS 2012 Annual conference.  During this specialty session, speakers had to prepare a presentation of 20 slides whic​h would be automatically advanced every 15 seconds.  The culmination of this session was 5 presentations in 50 minutes, each speaker with 5 minutes to present and 5 minutes for questions. 

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