In 2003, NBC Chairman Vincent Mesolella established the Chairman’s River Restoration Initiative for the Woonasquatucket River.
In 2013, the Chairman’s River Restoration Initiative expanded to include support to other community organizations who would like to pursue their own Earth Day River and Lake Cleanups, restoration or beautification projects. Annually, the NBC offers grants ranging from $250 up to $1000 to community groups in the NBC service area. From 2013-2024, grantees galvanized over 11,000 volunteers to make a difference for clean water in their communities.
The goal of the NBC 2025 Earth Day River Cleanup Grant Program is to continue on the previous years’ successes and emphasize the importance of Earth Day 2025, the value of the environment, and provide assistance to organizations improving the quality of life in their communities. We encourage all applicants to abide by current guidelines regarding PPE and social distancing. The grant application is available here. The deadline is February 14, 2025.
The Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation will often waive tipping fees for community clean-ups. Learn more about that here.
For information about grant opportunities, contact