
R/V Monitor on Upper Bay

R/V Monitor on the Upper Bay

On Wednesday, July 7th, the crew of the R/V Monitor was out on the upper Bay collecting bacteria samples, taking Secchi Disk water clarity measurements, and conducting water column profiles using the Seabird instrument, all in an effort to document water quality improvements associated with NBC construction projects.  Real-time surface mapping of water quality parameters and Par sensor water clarity measurements were not collected this day due to a computer malfunction. Jeff captained the boat while monitoring professionals Gerard, Justin, and Steve collected the samples and data. It was a warm, humid and partly sunny day. There was no breeze early on, but one picked up as the day progressed. The featured photo is of some swans enjoying the fine summer weather.

Bullock Reach, Week of June 27-July 3 2021

Sondes at Bullock Reach were changed out for routine maintenance in the morning on June 29th. As noted last week, the bottom sonde deployed June 15-29, 2021 did not record data, so the summary below includes bottom data only from the partial week. Water quality at Bullock Reach was good-to-fair this week. Salinity at the surface averaged 24.2 ppt and ranged from 19.5 ppt to 27.7 ppt. Salinity at the mid depth averaged 27.4 ppt and ranged from 22.1 ppt to 30.8 ppt. Salinity in bottom waters averaged 30.3 ppt and ranged from 28.3 ppt to 31.8 ppt. Temperatures averaged 24.3°C, 23.0°C, and 20.0°C at the surface, mid, and bottom, respectively. Surface temperatures ranged from 20.0°C to 27.8°C, mid temperatures ranged from 19.7°C to 25.8°C, and bottom temperatures ranged 18.4°C to 21.9°C.

Dissolved oxygen (DO) data this week should be interpreted with caution due to a calibration issue with the sondes retrieved June 29th that resulted in the data biasing high. These data will be reviewed in detail at the end of the season and adjusted as necessary by the Narragansett Bay Fixed Site Monitoring Network. This week surface DO averaged 8.4 mg/L, while mid DO averaged 6.4 mg/L, and bottom DO averaged 4.4 mg/L. The minimum DO was recorded at the mid-depth as 2.9 mg/L on July 3rd. Chlorophyll concentrations remained slightly elevated, averaging 11.4 ug/L at the surface, 10.1 ug/L in mid-depth waters, and 4.1 ug/L at the bottom. The maximum water column chlorophyll concentration was 50.4 ug/L, measured in bottom waters on June 30th.

Phillipsdale Landing, Week of June 27-July 3 2021

Water quality at Phillipsdale was fair-to-poor this week. Moderate rainfall of 0.56 inches was recorded at TF Green on July 1st, and sporadic pop-up showers throughout the watershed also occurred. Blackstone River flows remained elevated over historical median levels. Salinity at the surface averaged 11.3 ppt and ranged from 2.2 ppt to 18.5 ppt, while bottom salinity averaged 19.1 ppt and ranged from 2.5 ppt to 28.6 ppt. Surface water temperatures warmed compared to the previous week, averaging 24.6°C and ranging from 19.9°C to 30.2°C. Bottom water temperatures also warmed, averaging 23.0°C and ranging from 19.5°C to 25.4°C.

Surface DO averaged 7.9 mg/L, with a minimum of 3.6 mg/L, while bottom DO averaged 4.0 mg/L, with a minimum of 1.0 mg/L. Intermittent hypoxic conditions (DO <2.9 mg/L) were observed in bottom waters during the latter half of the week, with a maximum duration of 8 hours, occurring overnight from July 1st to 2nd. Surface chlorophyll concentrations were elevated, averaging 39.0 ug/L with a maximum result of 125.1 ug/L on June 29th. Bottom chlorophyll averaged 30.8 ug/L with an isolated spike in the data most likely due to particulate or macroalgae interference. Please note that tidal fluctuations and Blackstone River flow greatly influence water column salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen at this location.

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Vincent Mesolella


At the April 2021 meeting of the Narragansett Bay Commission, the Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to reaffirm its current slate of officers: Chairman Vincent Mesolella, Vice Chairman Angelo Rotella, and Treasurer Robert Andrade. 2021 marks Mesolella’s thirtieth year at the helm of the internationally-recognized clean water agency.

“The accomplishments of the Narragansett Bay Commission and this Board is an extreme source of pride for me, as I know it is for all of us,” Mesolella said upon the vote. “I thank you, for the thirtieth time, for the confidence you have bestowed upon me. Together, this Board and this Commission has made Rhode Island a better place and we will continue on that mission.”

Under Mesolella’s leadership, the NBC has been named twice a Utility of the Future and received numerous national and regional awards for operational, managerial, and fiscal excellence as well as for community engagement and environmental education. The NBC has established itself as a leader in renewable energy, with approximately 80% of its annual energy needs met by NBC-owned renewable sources, such as wind, solar, and biogas. In the 1990s, as Mesolella assumed the Chairmanship, the NBC embarked on a comprehensive three-phase plan to deal with Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs), which has resulted in significant improvements in water quality in Narragansett Bay and great enhancements in both bathing beaches and the shellfishing industry. The final phase of the CSO project starts construction in 2021.



The Narragansett Bay Commission (NBC) has launched a live on-line map that tracks the status of combined sewer overflows (CSOs) and dry weather overflows (DWOs) into the Providence, Moshassuck, Woonasquatucket, West, and Seekonk Rivers.

“Reliable infrastructure—including pipes, treatment plants, trained and committed staff—is critical for clean water,” said NBC Chairman Vincent Mesolella, “and so is information. This map offers the public an important tool to see what’s happening in our rivers.”

The map, on the NBC’s website at, uses a real-time web-based notification system to provide advanced monitoring and will show overflows as they occur and keep them visible for up to 48 hours. The development of this interactive tool was required by the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management and is based on efforts in other states and wastewater jurisdictions to notify the public of sewage overflows. The NBC map is the first of its kind in Rhode Island.

CSOs are the legacy of an historic sewer system. In the late 1800s, most larger cities across the nation built sewer systems to carry rain water and sewage in the same pipe. This is called a combined sewer. During dry weather conditions, the sewer system typically works very well. But, during heavy rainstorms, these combined flows can exceed the capacity of the sewer system and overflow into local rivers and Narragansett Bay. This is a combined sewer overflow, or CSO. CSOs violate the Federal Clean Water Act.

The NBC embarked on a three-phase project in 2001 to construct deep rock storage tunnels to temporarily store the flow from these CSOs during the storm and then transport it to the wastewater treatment facility when the storm ends. Phases I & II of NBC’s Comprehensive CSO Project have eliminated approximately 60% of CSOs to upper Narragansett Bay, at the rate of 1.1 billion gallons of combined sewage per year. Phase III, which begins construction in 2021, will eliminate another 38% resulting in an 80% reduction in shellfish bed closures, fewer bathing beach closures and a cleaner healthier Bay for all Rhode Islanders.

Development of the map included input from several stakeholder groups including the Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council, Save the Bay, and the Community Boating Center. “The Woonasquatucket River Watershed Council (WRWC) has been a long-time partner with the NBC to make the Woonasquatucket cleaner,” commented Alicia Lehrer, Executive Director of the WRWC. “We share a long-term vision of making the Woonasquatucket swimmable and fishable for all. We are so excited about NBC’s real-time CSO map so we can all watch together as the river improves and know when we need to be cautious.”

“Through the efforts of DEM, NBC and many partners, we have made incredible progress in cleaning up Rhode Island’s waters,” said DEM Director Janet Coit. “Today our bays, rivers, and coastal waters are cleaner and healthier, supporting our economy and increasing shellfishing and recreational opportunities. Kudos to NBC for implementing this new alert tool and for their investments in sewer system operations, maintenance, and monitoring.“

“I’m very proud of the work the NBC team, in conjunction with DEM and our stakeholders, to bring this project to fruition,” Mesolella added. “It speaks to the high quality and reliability of the NBC’s flow monitoring program and enables more Rhode Islanders to safely experience and enjoy our rivers and bay, which is of course the goal we’re all striving for.”

The website also provides information about the NBC sewer system, the possible causes of sewer overflows, and general language about recreation and contact with urban rivers.

kimberly heon


The Narragansett Bay Commission (NBC) has selected Kimberly Heon, a second-grade teacher at Agnes Little Elementary School, as its 2020-2021 NBC Watershed Explorer Environmental Educator of the Year. The NBC’s Watershed Explorers program provides hands-on water quality education to students in grades 2-5 and has won numerous national awards for excellence.

Heon, a thirty-year veteran of the Pawtucket system, has participated in the NBC’s Watershed Explorer program for over fifteen years, engaging her students in hands-on water quality science and weaving important environmental lessons into other parts of her curriculum to reinforce her students’ knowledge of key environmental science concepts.

NBC Environmental Education Coordinator Cynthia Morissette presented Heon with inaugural award during Teacher Appreciation Week. “I am extremely proud to present the first NBC Watershed Explorer Educator of the Year Award to Mrs. Heon,” Morissette said. “She is an exceptional educator who works tirelessly to create the most comprehensive educational experiences for her students. Her compassion and dedication, ensuring that all students love learning is what makes her so special.”

Over the last year, even with all the difficulties and challenges of distance learning, Heon continued to support the Watershed Explorer Program. Her students’ involvement with NBC remained strong through virtual lessons, conducting water testing, building models of a watershed, learning about macroinvertebrates, and creating informational posters about a variety of water-dependent critters.

“I am a proud graduate of Pawtucket Schools- attending Baldwin Elementary, Slater Junior High School and Shea Senior High School,” remarked Heon. The University of Rhode Island graduate says her favorite subject to teach is Science, and over the past year she and her students have virtually followed the progress of a Robin family, from nest-making to fledgling and completed a virtual dissection of  owl pellets in conjunction with the Audubon Society.

“Mrs. Heon is a shining example of what every educator should strive to be,” said Morissette as she delivered the award.

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