
The NBC has established an abatement program whereby you may apply for abatement consideration for a particular property if you believe that more than 15% of the water consumption does not enter the sewer system.

Requests for abatements require the completion of the Sewer User Abatement application and the payment of a $70.00 application processing fee in accordance with the rates approved by the Public Utilities Commission. You will also be required to sign a Terms and Conditions agreement with the understanding that violation of this agreement may result in the suspension or removal of the abatement status. Abatement or output meters are installed at the customer’s expense and only after NBC engineers have approved the placement and operation of all meters. Any adjustment to the bill becomes effective from the approval date forward and is not retroactive to cover previous usage. In accordance with the Abatement Program Terms & Conditions, all customers whose abatement is for irrigation are required to submit annual meter readings for both the city/town water meter(s) and the abatement meter, no later than October 31st. Effective June 1, 2018, all customers who request a member of NBC’s staff conduct a site visit to obtain these readings will be assessed a $35.00 fee.

If you wish to participate in the abatement program, please click on the following link to download the forms you need. The completed application may be e-mailed to cs@narrabay.com. You may also use the on-line form below. The NBC Customer Service Research Section will contact you to conduct a site visit to view the abatement system.

Narragansett Bay Commission Abatement Application & Terms and Conditions:

Applicant and Property Information

Terms and Conditions

Upon approval of the Sewer Abatement Application the undersigned applicant agrees to accept and abide by all provisions of the Narragansett Bay Commission’s (NBC) Rules and Regulations for the Use of Wastewater Facilities, as amended, and shall in every respect conform to the terms of this application. Any changes pertaining to the information contained in this Sewer Abatement Application must be reported to the NBC to maintain abatement status.

In addition to the above, the following terms and conditions apply:

  1. All customers whose abatement is for irrigation are required to submit a reading for both the city/town water meter(s) and the abatement meter, no later than 10/31/xx. A quarterly meter reading(s) is required for all commercial and industrial customers.
  2. All interior plumbing, as it relates to the abatement, must be visible to NBC personnel. The property owner is responsible for obtaining a water meter reading in any confined space (i.e. removal of any surface or ground water).
  3. An NBC representative must be allowed access to inspect, obtain and to verify meter readings as needed.
  4. The NBC reserves the right to suspend abatement status, on any account that is not current.
  5. Consumption credits will only be given once the owner, at the owner’s expense, installs the abatement water meters. No credits will be given for consumption prior to inspection and NBC approval of this application.
  6. Disputed consumption charges must be reported within twenty (20) days of any billing or consumption notification.
  7. The abatement and city water meters must be in full working order at all times. In the event of meter(s) failure, the meter(s) must be repaired prior to the next watering season. An abatement will be granted for that consumption period based on the previous season’s abatement calculation. The NBC must be notified as soon as the meter failure is discovered and when the meter is replaced.
  8. Once approved, no plumbing alterations that effect metered flow are allowed without prior notification and approval from the NBC.
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