Get a deeper understanding of Narragansett Bay and the Narragansett Bay Commission through the links provided below.
Annual Data Reports
The NBC’s Environmental Monitoring and Data Analysis (EMDA) section prepares an all-inclusive annual data report documenting all of their monitoring activities for the year. Each report details the EMDA section’s sampling activities and the sample results for the NBC’s award winning comprehensive receiving water monitoring program, as well as the results from monitoring activities at each of the NBC facilities, Field’s Point and Bucklin Point.
PowerPoint Presentations & Poster Presentations
NBC staff is periodically invited to various local and national conferences or workshops by professional associations to present on NBC’s latest data findings and initiatives.
Fact Sheets
Supplemental information prepared by the NBC staff on other water quality related topics presented on a single page.
Water Quality Reports
Detailed description of the results and conclusions from the NBC’s comprehensive monitoring program.
List of terms that are utilized throughout the website summarized in layman’s terms.
Links to Other Organizations
These organizations are instrumental in monitoring, protecting and restoring the health of Narragansett Bay.